Certified Doula Birth Services / Below you can find more information about Doula Birth Services


To Learn more about Ginger’s Doula Service, “LIKE” on her Facebook Page: Doula Services by Ginger Taylor

Certified Doula through Dona International ~ CBD(DONA)

Ginger is a Native Floridian, born and raised in Melbourne, Florida (Brevard County). Her career background consists of over 30 years in the healthcare industry. She is a Certified Doula with DONA International, Licensed Massage Therapist and earned her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, with Honors. Ginger believes that every woman should be empowered to choose that is best for her and her family. As your birth doula, she will provide information and support to help you tap into your inner strength and become an advocate for yourself, your baby, and your birth.

Experiencing the births of her 3 beautiful children gave Ginger the inspiration and desire to become a Doula. She understands the importance of having a compassionate guide during the sensitive time of labor and delivery. Ginger’s desire is to help her clients find confidence within themselves, learn to trust their bodies and discover their strength and unique capacity to give birth. She offers her clients a calm, warm, and grounding space inspired by healing techniques including: breathing and relaxation, positioning, rebozo comfort, massage, aromatherapy, and craniosacral therapy. Ginger views every birth as unique and sacred. Whether a woman chooses a hospital, birth center or home environment, she believes that knowledge is key to personal empowerment, which is essential for a positive birth experience. “It is my privilege to encourage, nurture and witness the strength that is in every birthing woman. It is a blessing to participate in my client’s birth.”

She has attended Spinning Babies classes to assist mothers and babies during tough transitional labor stages. She has taken professional Maya Abdominal Therapy (Massage) courses to assist her clients during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum recovery.

Ginger’s goals are to provide exceptional care, support, information and comfort during a very special moment for you…the MIRACLE of your baby.

Prenatal Massage

Ginger offers prenatal massage services to ease your muscles, and introduce a familiar touch with you and your baby (babies) as you prepare for your birth journey. Prenatal Massage during pregnancy is a soothing, complementary choice for prenatal care. It is a healthy way to decrease stress, promote relaxation, and helping you cope with discomfort such as: backaches, tight hips, stiff neck, leg cramps (swelling), headaches, edema, abdominal muscles, and tense shoulders. Additionally, massage for pregnant women reduces stress on weight-bearing joints, promotes blood and lymph circulation, helps calm nervous tension; which assists in improved sleep. Massage may help relieve depression or anxiety caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy. Try Hot Stones and Aromatherapy with your Prenatal Massage!!

Doula services include:

  • One complimentary, introductory interview to discuss your expectations & goals, answer questions, and empower you to discover and enhance your personal birth plan.
  • Prenatal meeting to practice comfort positioning techniques, breathing methods, finalize your birth plan, review hydration and nourishment during labor, and answer any additional questions.
  • Informational support throughout pregnancy and the early stages of parenting via phone and email.
  • Ginger’s support as a facilitator is to communicate between you (the laboring mother), your partner and your clinical care providers throughout the labor. During labor, she will comfort you (the mother) while keeping the atmosphere and mental thinking positive; working towards your entire birth goals. She ensures that you are hydrated and nourished. Ginger will assist in labor positioning and massage, to assist in the progression of your baby moving down. Essential oils may be used by diffusion and/or application for a more comfortable labor.
  • Breastfeeding assistance immediately following birth.
  • Optional postpartum visit, upon client’s request, via phone, video conference, or at client’s home to ensure that you (the mother) and your baby are settling in comfortably.
What our Clients Say...


Ginger is an amazing doula! Both my husband and I can attest to Ginger’s ability and knowledge. Even the doctor and nursing staff can verify, asking if Ginger could be present at all of their births at the hospital! I believe that speaks volumes to her skills and likeability. I did not hire a doula for my first birth and ended up having an epidural and a long drawn out labor. After careful consideration and research, plus my desire for a drug free birth, I decided to hire a doula. My husband wasn’t sold on the idea at first, so anyone’s husbands on the fence, have them read this! I chose Ginger mostly because of her massage therapy background because I LOVE massages; ahhh, that was pure bliss! So this time around, my labor progressed much more quickly than with my first and my husband and I met Ginger at the hospital. She will absolutely come to your home first, I was just progressing so quickly! The contractions became very intense after my water broke (like in a movie, in the hospital lobby!) and I am so glad Ginger was there for the hard part. I felt like I had her changing up her techniques with every other contraction! I shifted from being nauseous, needing the heat pad, needing coaching through contractions, needing to change positions, you name it. And Ginger handled my ‘demands’ with such grace and confidence. Her confidence, quick thinking and of course, genuine kindness is what got me through those contractions and the delivery of my beautiful baby girl. My husband sort of took a back seat as that was what worked for us. Ginger would absolutely have partners more involved if that is what works for your family. My husband was nervous and felt like Ginger is the expert, so let her handle it. And he will tell you now that he was beyond pleased to have Ginger there because she was full of knowledge and helped me reach my labor and delivery goal! I could go on for days about how awesome Ginger is, but I will just end it by saying that she is one of the most genuine, kind hearted people I have ever met with incredible knowledge and vast skill set. I’m so happy she is still practicing massage therapy so that I can still see her at least once a year.

Heidi Fink

Ginger was great during my son’s birth. She helped my husband and I with comfort measures, positioning, and motivation when the going got tough. I don’t know what we would have done without Ginger, and recommend her to anyone who may need some support during their labor and delivery!

Nicole McLain

To be honest, I never really thought I would have a Doula, but I am so thankful that Ginger came into my life and that we decided to have her be our Doula. Ginger was amazing for my husband and I. She allowed for my husband to fully focus on me while she took care of the rest. My husband was able to stay in front of me and hold me during contractions, kiss me, hug me, talk to me with encouraging words while Ginger used her knowledge and gentle hands to keep me comfortable. I don´t know what we would´ve done without her, especially me. I had strictly back labor so the massage and heat were key for me to make it through labor. Ginger was just such a calming presence in the room for my husband and I which helped us stay calm and focused. We just felt so taken care of with her there. I already told her she´s going to be there for the next one too! She made natural child birth much easier 😉

Christina Townshend