Anyone can receive a Lymphatic Drainage Therapy session. It is both relaxing and has clearing health benefits.
Lymphatic Drainage Therapy prevents and removes fluid buildup after surgery (Post-op), general swelling, and a detoxification period and flushes out unwanted cellular debris and excess fluid at a fast rate. This therapy helps reduce pain, bruising, swelling, and prevents fibrosis (scar tissue development beneath the skin), and fastens healing. The customized form of body work, lymphatic massage may help the lymph system do its job better. By understanding the anatomy and function of this delicate system, our Therapist at Massages with Purpose and Skin Care can assist your body in clearing sluggish tissues of waste and swelling.
Some symptoms of a backed up lymphatic system are: the feeling of a stuffy nose, congestion, and lots of mucous. Some also experience headaches and brain fog if the lymph fluid is not draining. Toxins build up in old cerebrospinal fluid and causes some to feel exhausted, confused and slow.
Though lymph vessels are found throughout the body, most of them – about 70 percent – are located just below the skin. These fragile vessels work to pick up the fluids between the cell spaces when gentle pressure is applied to them from increased fluid build-up, muscle contractions, or the pressure of the therapist’s hands. By using very light pressures in a rhythmic, circular motion, our skilled therapists can stimulate the lymph system to work more efficiently and help it move the lymph fluids back to the heart. The fluid in the Lymphatic System helps remove waste and toxins from the body. Furthermore, by freeing vessel pathways, lymphatic massage can help retrain the lymph system to work better for more long-term health benefits.
Video Animation of the Lymphatic Flow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHXHyAzwOOc&t=68s
Lymphatic Drainage Therapy has 3 components that may be applied: Dry Brushing, Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (gentle, manual systematic pumping), and Lymphatic Massage.
Dry Brushing assists in eliminating dry, dead skin; leaving you with glowing skin. It encourages lymphatic drainage, reduces redness, helps rid inflammation, and signals increased circulation (better blood flow). While it is safe to dry brush daily, most only need to dry brush 2-3 times per week; depending on the outcome needed. Those with excessive fluid build up(inflammation) may want to consider brushing every day, morning and night, until the inflammation starts moving out of the body.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy is a very gentle procedure and should not be painful. This therapy focuses on the areas that house the main (deep) lymph nodes, such as your neck, axilla (armpits), elbows, thoracic duct, groin and knees. Light pumping pressure is applied to move the lymphatic fluid so that your organs can effectively remove the toxins.
Lymphatic Massage Therapy is a gentle, superficial gliding massage (with massage oil) that moves the Lymphatic Fluid within the direction of the lymphatic flow. Some clients prefer a deeper Lymphatic Massage Therapy for contouring purposes.
Many ask “Where does the lymphatic fluid go?“. The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in immune function and in the delivery of vital nutrients to the body. In a healthy body, the lymphatic system absorbs excess lymph fluid from the body’s organs and returns it to the blood stream. In a healthy body, the lymphatic channels from the liver and mesentery drain towards the thoracic duct, which is the main lymphatic vessel responsible for lymph drainage. In most people, the thoracic duct drains into the subclavian vein on the left side.
Getting a lymphatic massage helps flush toxins from your body through your lymph system (detox) in addition to aiding in fatigue recovery after strenuous exercise. Possible side effects of Lymphatic Drainage Therapy can include: Increased urination/bowel movements: after the massage, the lymph waste will need to be removed from the body. This leads to an increase in urination and bowel movements, as these are the methods the body uses to eliminate lymph waste from the body. It is important to drink water after this therapy to rehydrate your body, and to flush excess toxins.
Cleansing the Lymphatic Systems can boost your Immune System and Quality of Life!
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